- May's DISM Api Method - Used in Windows 10/11 Core to Non-Core edition change
- [slmgr /ipk Method](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/deployment/upgrade/windows-edition-upgrades#upgrade-using-a-command-line-tool) - Used in Windows 10/11 where edition license files are already there
- [DISM Method](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/get-started/upgrade-conversion-options) - Used in Server 2016 and later server versions
- [CBS Upgrade Method](https://github.com/asdcorp/Set-WindowsCbsEdition) - Used in Windows versions before 10
- The script is future-proof, which means that it won't need an update upon the release of new Windows / Server editions and can get the required product key from the system itself.
- The script blocks changing to CountrySpecific, ServerRdsh, and to/from CloudEdition editions since it's officially not supported and the user may face issues.
If you want to manually change the edition instead of using the script, please follow the steps below.
### Windows 10/11
- To view the list of available editions, open the command prompt as admin and enter\
`dism /online /english /Get-TargetEditions`
- Get the keys for the desired edition from [here](hwid.html#Supported_Products)
- If you are upgrading from Home to Pro, you will need to disable the Internet before performing the upgrade.
- Now enter that product key with this command, replace \<product_key\> with the actual key.\
`changepk.exe /ProductKey <product_key>`
- In the Home to Pro upgrade, it may show an error, restart the system anyway. (Use the script if it's still not working)
- Activate the changed edition with MAS, that's all.
### Windows Server 2016 and Later
- Follow the official Microsoft guide [here](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/get-started/upgrade-conversion-options), you can get the required keys from [here](kms38.html#Supported_Products).