- [slmgr /ipk Method](https://learn.microsoft.com/windows/deployment/upgrade/windows-edition-upgrades#upgrade-using-a-command-line-tool) - Used in Windows 10/11 where edition license files are already there
- [DISM Method](https://learn.microsoft.com/windows-server/get-started/upgrade-conversion-options) - Used in Server 2016 and later server versions
- The script is future-proof, which means that it won't need an update upon the release of new Windows / Server editions and can get the required product key from the system itself.
- The script blocks changing to CountrySpecific, ServerRdsh, and to/from CloudEdition editions since it's officially not supported and the user may face issues.
- Follow the official Microsoft guide [here](https://learn.microsoft.com/windows-server/get-started/upgrade-conversion-options), you can get the required keys from [here](kms38.md#supported-products).