2019-03-22 20:11:09 +07:00
if [ -z ${ IS_IN_CONTAINER +x } ] ; then
echo "This script expect to be run inside a docker container" 1>& 2
exit 1
if [ -z ${ PACKAGE_ARCH +x } ] ; then
echo "PACKAGE_ARCH is undefined. Please find and set you package arch:" 1>& 2
echo "https://www.synology.com/en-global/knowledgebase/DSM/tutorial/Compatibility_Peripherals/What_kind_of_CPU_does_my_NAS_have" 1>& 2
exit 2
if [ -z ${ DSM_VER +x } ] ; then
echo "DSM_VER is undefined. This should a version number like 6.2" 1>& 2
exit 3
# Ensure that we are working directly in the root file system. Though this
# should always be the case in containers.
cd /
# Make the script quit if there are errors
set -e
2020-08-15 19:18:33 +07:00
export WIREGUARD_VERSION = $( wget -q https://git.zx2c4.com/wireguard-linux-compat/refs/ -O - | grep -oP '\/wireguard-linux-compat\/tag\/\?h=v\K[.0-9]*' | head -n 1)
export WIREGUARD_TOOLS_VERSION = $( wget -q https://git.zx2c4.com/wireguard-tools/refs/ -O - | grep -oP '\/wireguard-tools\/tag\/\?h=v\K[.0-9]*' | head -n 1)
export LIBMNL_VERSION = $( wget -q 'https://netfilter.org/projects/libmnl/files/?C=M;O=D' -O - | grep -oP 'a href="libmnl-\K[0-9.]*' | head -n 1 | sed 's/.\{1\}$//' )
echo " WireGuard version: $WIREGUARD_VERSION "
echo " WireGuard tools version: $WIREGUARD_TOOLS_VERSION "
echo " libmnl version: $LIBMNL_VERSION "
2019-03-22 20:11:09 +07:00
# Fetch Synology toolchain
2020-07-05 03:20:26 +07:00
if [ [ ! -d /pkgscripts-ng ] ] || [ -z " $( ls -A /pkgscripts-ng) " ] ; then
2019-03-22 20:11:09 +07:00
git clone https://github.com/SynologyOpenSource/pkgscripts-ng
2020-07-05 03:20:26 +07:00
echo "Existing pkgscripts-ng repo found. Pulling latest from origin."
cd /pkgscripts-ng
git pull origin
cd /
2019-03-22 20:11:09 +07:00
2020-12-31 00:29:31 +07:00
# Temporary workaround for some architectures that are not part properly set as
# 64 bit: https://github.com/SynologyOpenSource/pkgscripts-ng/pull/26/
# NOTE: This fix breaks your workflow if you save the pkgscripts-ng repo state
# across runs
if [ [ " $PACKAGE_ARCH " = ~ ^geminilake| purley| v1000$ ] ] ; then
sed -i 's/\(local all64BitPlatforms\)=".*"/\1="PURLEY V1000 GEMINILAKE"/' /pkgscripts-ng/include/platforms
2020-12-30 21:27:04 +07:00
# Temporary add support for 7.0 (until the official repo is updated)
grep -q '^AvailablePlatform_7_0=' /pkgscripts-ng/include/toolkit.config || \
echo 'AvailablePlatform_7_0="6281 alpine alpine4k apollolake armada370 armada375 armada37xx armada38x armadaxp avoton braswell broadwell broadwellnk bromolow cedarview comcerto2k denverton dockerx64 evansport geminilake grantley hi3535 kvmx64 monaco purley qoriq rtd1296 v1000 x64"' >> /pkgscripts-ng/include/toolkit.config
2019-03-22 20:11:09 +07:00
# Install the toolchain for the given package arch and DSM version
build_env = " /build_env/ds. $PACKAGE_ARCH - $DSM_VER "
2020-07-05 03:20:26 +07:00
2019-03-22 20:11:09 +07:00
if [ ! -d " $build_env " ] ; then
2020-07-05 03:20:26 +07:00
if [ -f " /toolkit_tarballs/base_env- $DSM_VER .txz " ] && [ -f " /toolkit_tarballs/ds. $PACKAGE_ARCH - $DSM_VER .env.txz " ] && [ -f " /toolkit_tarballs/ds. $PACKAGE_ARCH - $DSM_VER .dev.txz " ] ; then
pkgscripts-ng/EnvDeploy -p $PACKAGE_ARCH -v $DSM_VER -t /toolkit_tarballs
pkgscripts-ng/EnvDeploy -p $PACKAGE_ARCH -v $DSM_VER
2019-03-22 20:11:09 +07:00
# Ensure the installed toolchain has support for CA signed certificates.
# Without this wget on https:// will fail
cp /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt " $build_env /etc/ssl/certs/ "
# Disable quit if errors to allow printing of logfiles
set +e
2019-03-22 22:11:03 +07:00
# By default we patch WireGuard to always use include its own memneq
2020-07-05 03:20:26 +07:00
# implementation. This is required on most NASes, but some of them come with
2019-03-22 22:11:03 +07:00
# built in memneq support. Unless HAS_MEMNEQ is defined we set it for models
# that support it here.
if [ -z ${ HAS_MEMNEQ +x } ] ; then
2021-01-02 23:35:17 +07:00
if [ [ " $DSM_VER " = ~ ^[ ^6] \. [ 0-9] +$ || " $PACKAGE_ARCH " = ~ ^geminilake| apollolake| denverton| broadwellnk| kvmx64| rtd1296$ ] ] ; then
2019-03-22 22:11:03 +07:00
export HAS_MEMNEQ = 1
2019-03-22 20:11:09 +07:00
# Build packages
# -p package arch
# -v DSM version
# -S no signing
# --build-opt=-J prevent parallel building (required)
# --print-log save build logs
# -c WireGuard project path in /source
pkgscripts-ng/PkgCreate.py \
-v $DSM_VER \
-S \
--build-opt= -J \
--print-log \
-c WireGuard
# Save package builder exit code. This allows us to print the logfiles and give
# a non-zero exit code on errors.
pkg_status = $?
echo "Build log"
echo "========="
cat " $build_env /logs.build "
echo "Install log"
echo "==========="
cat " $build_env /logs.install "
exit $pkg_status