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synced 2025-03-19 13:49:10 +07:00

Add support for symbols that are exported into namespaces. For that, extract any namespace suffix from the symbol name. In addition, emit a warning whenever a module refers to an exported symbol without explicitly importing the namespace that it is defined in. This patch consistently adds the namespace suffix to symbol names exported into Module.symvers. Example warning emitted by modpost in case of the above violation: WARNING: module ums-usbat uses symbol usb_stor_resume from namespace USB_STORAGE, but does not import it. Co-developed-by: Martijn Coenen <maco@android.com> Signed-off-by: Martijn Coenen <maco@android.com> Reviewed-by: Joel Fernandes (Google) <joel@joelfernandes.org> Reviewed-by: Greg Kroah-Hartman <gregkh@linuxfoundation.org> Signed-off-by: Matthias Maennich <maennich@google.com> Signed-off-by: Jessica Yu <jeyu@kernel.org>
187 lines
4.5 KiB
Executable File
187 lines
4.5 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
# (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2006.
# Author : Ram Pai (linuxram@us.ibm.com)
# Usage: export_report.pl -k Module.symvers [-o report_file ] -f *.mod.c
use warnings;
use Getopt::Std;
use strict;
sub numerically {
my $no1 = (split /\s+/, $a)[1];
my $no2 = (split /\s+/, $b)[1];
return $no1 <=> $no2;
sub alphabetically {
my ($module1, $value1) = @{$a};
my ($module2, $value2) = @{$b};
return $value1 <=> $value2 || $module2 cmp $module1;
sub print_depends_on {
my ($href) = @_;
print "\n";
for my $mod (sort keys %$href) {
my $list = $href->{$mod};
print "\t$mod:\n";
foreach my $sym (sort numerically @{$list}) {
my ($symbol, $no) = split /\s+/, $sym;
printf("\t\t%-25s\n", $symbol);
print "\n";
print "\n";
print "~"x80 , "\n";
sub usage {
print "Usage: @_ -h -k Module.symvers [ -o outputfile ] \n",
"\t-f: treat all the non-option argument as .mod.c files. ",
"Recommend using this as the last option\n",
"\t-h: print detailed help\n",
"\t-k: the path to Module.symvers file. By default uses ",
"the file from the current directory\n",
"\t-o outputfile: output the report to outputfile\n";
exit 0;
sub collectcfiles {
my @file;
open my $fh, '< modules.order' or die "cannot open modules.order: $!\n";
while (<$fh>) {
push (@file, $_)
chomp @file;
return @file;
my (%SYMBOL, %MODULE, %opt, @allcfiles);
if (not getopts('hk:o:f',\%opt) or defined $opt{'h'}) {
if (defined $opt{'f'}) {
@allcfiles = @ARGV;
} else {
@allcfiles = collectcfiles();
if (not defined $opt{'k'}) {
$opt{'k'} = "Module.symvers";
open (my $module_symvers, '<', $opt{'k'})
or die "Sorry, cannot open $opt{'k'}: $!\n";
if (defined $opt{'o'}) {
open (my $out, '>', $opt{'o'})
or die "Sorry, cannot open $opt{'o'} $!\n";
select $out;
# collect all the symbols and their attributes from the
# Module.symvers file
while ( <$module_symvers> ) {
my (undef, $symbol, $namespace, $module, $gpl) = split('\t');
$SYMBOL { $symbol } = [ $module , "0" , $symbol, $gpl];
# collect the usage count of each symbol.
my $modversion_warnings = 0;
foreach my $thismod (@allcfiles) {
my $module;
unless (open ($module, '<', $thismod)) {
warn "Sorry, cannot open $thismod: $!\n";
my $state=0;
while ( <$module> ) {
if ($state == 0) {
$state = 1 if ($_ =~ /static const struct modversion_info/);
if ($state == 1) {
$state = 2 if ($_ =~ /__attribute__\(\(section\("__versions"\)\)\)/);
if ($state == 2) {
if ( $_ !~ /0x[0-9a-f]+,/ ) {
my $sym = (split /([,"])/,)[4];
my ($module, $value, $symbol, $gpl) = @{$SYMBOL{$sym}};
$SYMBOL{ $sym } = [ $module, $value+1, $symbol, $gpl];
push(@{$MODULE{$thismod}} , $sym);
if ($state != 2) {
warn "WARNING:$thismod is not built with CONFIG_MODVERSIONS enabled\n";
print "\tThis file reports the exported symbols usage patterns by in-tree\n",
printf("SECTION 1: Usage counts of all exported symbols\n");
printf("SECTION 2: List of modules and the exported symbols they use\n");
printf("SECTION 1:\tThe exported symbols and their usage count\n\n");
printf("%-25s\t%-25s\t%-5s\t%-25s\n", "Symbol", "Module", "Usage count",
"export type");
# print the list of unused exported symbols
foreach my $list (sort alphabetically values(%SYMBOL)) {
my ($module, $value, $symbol, $gpl) = @{$list};
printf("%-25s\t%-25s\t%-10s\t", $symbol, $module, $value);
if (defined $gpl) {
} else {
printf("SECTION 2:\n\tThis section reports export-symbol-usage of in-kernel
modules. Each module lists the modules, and the symbols from that module that
it uses. Each listed symbol reports the number of modules using it\n");
print "\nNOTE: Got $modversion_warnings CONFIG_MODVERSIONS warnings\n\n"
if $modversion_warnings;
print "~"x80 , "\n";
for my $thismod (sort keys %MODULE) {
my $list = $MODULE{$thismod};
my %depends;
$thismod =~ s/\.mod\.c/.ko/;
print "\t\t\t$thismod\n";
foreach my $symbol (@{$list}) {
my ($module, $value, undef, $gpl) = @{$SYMBOL{$symbol}};
push (@{$depends{"$module"}}, "$symbol $value");