## kmod - Linux kernel module handling [![Coverity Scan Status](https://scan.coverity.com/projects/2096/badge.svg)](https://scan.coverity.com/projects/2096) Information =========== Mailing list: linux-modules@vger.kernel.org (no subscription needed) https://lore.kernel.org/linux-modules/ Signed packages: http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/kernel/kmod/ Git: git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/utils/kernel/kmod/kmod.git http://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/utils/kernel/kmod/kmod.git https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/utils/kernel/kmod/kmod.git Gitweb: http://git.kernel.org/?p=utils/kernel/kmod/kmod.git https://github.com/kmod-project/kmod Irc: #kmod on irc.freenode.org License: LGPLv2.1+ for libkmod, testsuite and helper libraries GPLv2+ for tools/* OVERVIEW ======== kmod is a set of tools to handle common tasks with Linux kernel modules like insert, remove, list, check properties, resolve dependencies and aliases. These tools are designed on top of libkmod, a library that is shipped with kmod. See libkmod/README for more details on this library and how to use it. The aim is to be compatible with tools, configurations and indexes from module-init-tools project. Compilation and installation ============================ In order to compile the source code you need the following software packages: - GCC/CLANG compiler - GNU C library / musl / uClibc Optional dependencies: - ZLIB library - LZMA library - ZSTD library - OPENSSL library (signature handling in modinfo) Typical configuration: ./configure CFLAGS="-g -O2" --prefix=/usr \ --sysconfdir=/etc --libdir=/usr/lib Configure automatically searches for all required components and packages. To compile and install run: make && make install Hacking ======= Run 'autogen.sh' script before configure. If you want to accept the recommended flags, you just need to run `autogen.sh c`. Make sure to read the CODING-STYLE file and the other READMEs: libkmod/README and testsuite/README. Compatibility with module-init-tools ==================================== kmod replaced module-init-tools, which was EOL'ed in 2011. All the tools were rewritten on top of libkmod and they can be used as drop in replacements. Along the years there were a few behavior changes and new features implemented, following feedback from Linux kernel community and distros.